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Smithtown Central School District
Smithtown Central
School District
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What happens when you combine pendulums, phone books, mirrors, eggs…and golf?

The 2023 annual Math Fun Night at High School West!

Hosted by HSW’s Math Honor Society, on Pi Day nonetheless, elementary and middle school students solved and create logic puzzles, used and interacted with computer simulations, built models to better understand the principles of mathematics, and explored an augmented reality sandbox.

HSW Math Honor Society advisors Steve Robinson & Samantha Buttice say, “This interactive event has been organized to demonstrate the ubiquitous use of mathematics in our world. By presenting mathematics to elementary and middle school students from the entire district through recreational hands-on activities, we hope to foster a greater appreciation for mathematics in their future studies.”

HSW Principal John Coady says "This is one of the best events High School West hosts."


students at math fun night

students at math fun night

students at math fun night

students at math fun night

students at math fun night

students at math fun night