Can My Child Attend School Today?
Last Updated September 6, 2022
Students with symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting or diarrhea should be sent home or directed to stay home. If at school, the individual should wear a well-fitted mask while arrangements are made to go home even if they have not yet had a test.
Students with COVID-19 symptoms should remain at home. Testing is recommended for people with symptoms as soon as COVID-19 symptoms begin. Students that are COVID-19 positive must isolate for 5 days with Day 1 being the first full day after symptom onset or the day after receiving a positive test result if no symptoms exist.
Students that have tested positive for COVID-19 may return to school after 5 days if:
- They are fever free without fever reducing medicine for 24 hours and their symptoms are improving
- They wear a mask days 6-10
Students who choose not to test for COVID-19 must stay home and isolate for 5 days or provide a note from a medical provider indicating an alternative diagnosis.
COVID-19 Testing Information
Students and staff with symptoms of illness should not attend school. It is recommended that individuals and/or families consult their medical provider to determine if COVID-19 testing is warranted and for further guidance. Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 should follow the established CDC/NYSDOH guidelines for ending isolation.
Staff members will be trained on symptom and illness identification and instructed to observe all members of the school community for signs of illness. Anyone identified with possible symptoms or illness will be directed to the Health Office (school nurse) for further evaluation. Any individual who screens positive for COVID-19 exposure or symptoms, or who presents with a temperature greater than 100.0°F, will be sent to the Health Office for further evaluation. In the event a school nurse is not available, building administrators will ensure that the child or staff member is sent home and directed to contact their healthcare provider for additional evaluation.
Suffolk County has a comprehensive network of family health centers that serve the uninsured and underinsured. Additional information can be found at:
Health Centers
COVID-19 testing sites can be found at: