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Smithtown Central School District
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School District
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Having a ball at the St. James Boosterthon Fit Dance!

November 22, 2024

Kudos to the St. James Elementary PTA and St. James Elementary community for raising nearly $35,000!   Money raised will go towards cultural arts, PTA events and a new garden for the courtyard! 

Because the goal of 25 thousand dollars was reached, Principal Javidi agreed to dress up and dance with his students as Whisper The Bull!    

PTA President Brittany McGrath was extremely thankful for the outpouring of support.

“Thank you for your unwavering support, whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading the word,” McGrath said. “Your involvement has made a tremendous difference and showcases the strength of our school community! Thanks to Drex from KerboomKidz for giving our school the best day ever! 

Principal Javidi talking to students

PTA picture

Students dancing

Dance party

Students smiling

Group picture

Principal Javidi and students