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HSW juniors represent Smithtown at state Science Congress

June 10, 2024

After winning top recognition at the Long Island Science Congress, Juniors Nicole Gullason and Natasha Mishra went to Syracuse on June 9th to compete in the New York State Science Congress. They were awarded High Honors for their work which is entitled ‘Links between microplastics and harmful algal blooms.’

Dr. Joanne Figueiredo is the Science Research Coordinator at West and has mentored these students for the past 2 years.  “Nicole and Natasha use their brilliance and their passion for science to solve real world problems.” Dr. Figueiredo said. “Their success puts a spotlight on the amazing work that science research students do in this school district!”

Science Research teacher Ellen Paulik added, “Nicole and Natasha are excellent students.  We are so proud of their determination, teamwork and accomplishments!”

Science research students smiling for picture

Group photo