High School East junior Charlene Chen, has been selected as one of five finalists in the "Genes in Space Competition" to present her idea to people with the International Space Station to fly her experiment to space!
The competition challenges students to solve a real-world issue that astronauts face in space exploration. Charlene was selected from a pool of 30 semifinalists.
Over the coming weeks, Charlene will be mentored by a scientist from MIT or Harvard and will be presenting her proposal to a prestigious panel of scientists, educators, and technologists at the International Space Station Research and Development Conference in Seattle, WA.
According to ThINK Coordinator Ms. Maria Zeitlin, "Genes in Space asks students to consider daunting aspects of space travel. The benefit is that their experiments are relevant on earth too. Charlene's experiment investigates a biosensor for DNA damage. It is clever and relevant."
Click here to learn more.