The Need: To provide canned food items for those in the community who are going hungry.
The Project: Seven Accompsett Middle School students went to their classmates to and encouraged their involvement to collect cans for those less fortunate.
The Result: More than 2,000 cans of food donated and $2,500 raised!
After collecting 2,384 cans, the students partnered with the Smithtown Township Food Pantry to donate all the cans they had collected.
Lead4Change accepted their proposal and donated $2,500 to the pantry to help meet their needs as a community.
Congratulations to AMS teacher Michael Toth and the following students:
(From left to right) Madison Klimkoski, Callie Shao, Molly Hyland, Francesca Zins, Abigail Sacco, Sadie Messler, and Julia Lucca